Creating Faux Glass Resin Jars With Raechal & Tori


Creating Faux Glass Resin Jars With Raechal & Tori

If you're looking to add a touch of vintage charm to your home decor, or create unique gifts, you're in for a treat. We'll walk you through the process of creating stunning faux glass resin jars using Promise Epoxy. This project is perfect for beginners and seasoned makers alike, combining creativity with a bit of chemistry to product beautiful results. 

Materials You'll Need

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Faux Glass Resin Jars

Step 1: Getting Your Molds

First things first, you need to get your molds. We got ours off Amazon; they're reusable silicone molds designed to mimic vintage glass jars. The intricate details make them perfect for creating faux glass jars with a touch of antique elegance. 

Step 2: Preparing Your Mold

If you're reusing a mold you already have, ensure it's cleaned properly before you start pouring. Any residue from previous projects or dust can affect the final appearance and integrity of your faux glass jars. 

Step 3: Selecting Colors and Planning Pours

Select your colors and plan your pours in advance. We've provided color recipes below to help you achieve three popular vintage glass styles. Planning ahead will ensure your colors blend perfectly and your jars look just the way you envision.

Step 4: Measuring & Mixing Promise Deep Pour Epoxy

You'll need a total of 12 oz for this project: 8 oz of Part A and 4 oz of Part B as Deep Pour Epoxy is a 2:1 mixing ratio by volume. Mix them thoroughly until their are no striations. In other words, you want to be able to visually see one homogenous mixture. Take your time with this step. The quicker you stir the more air you introduce into your mixture which can cause micro bubbles. Deep Pour has a long open time so you should be in no rush. 

Step 5: Adding Colorants

Time to add your colorants. For faux glass jars, use the following recipes with Color Creator alcohol inks:

  • Frosted Blue: 1 drop Galaxy Black, 3 drops Deep Sea Blue
  • Peachy Pink: 1 drop Galaxy Black, 5 drops Flamingo Pink
  • Smoky Black: 5 drops Galaxy Black 

Mix the colors thoroughly into your epoxy until you have one consistent color. To test what your color will actually look like, dip your mixing stick into the container and lift it up. The color of the resin dripping off is a more accurate representation of what your faux glass jars will look like than the color in your container. 

Step 6: Pouring Into the Mold

Pour the epoxy mixture slowly into your mold and make sure you work it into all the small crevices. This helps prevent divots when you demold your faux glass jars. Always pour on a level surface to avoid uneven curing. 

Step 7: Eliminating Bubbles

Spritz isopropyl alcohol over the surface to dissipate any bubbles. Wait an hour and repeat if necessary. This step is crucial for achieving a smooth, glass-like finish. 

If you're working in an environment with a lot of dust or children, cover your projects while they cure. This will protect them from contaminants and ensure a flawless finish. 

Step 8: Letting It Cure

Patience is key! Let your faux glass jars cure for 2-3 days. You can gauge if it's fully cured by pressing on the lower sections of the mold. If there's any movement or softness, give it more time to cure. 

Step 9: Demolding

Once fully cured, carefully demold your jars. The silicone molds should release easily, revealing your beautiful faux glass creations. 

Step 10: Decorating!

Finally, let your creativity shine by displaying your newly minted collection. Decorate your jars as you see fit. Whether you add lights, flowers, or simply display them as is, your faux glass jars are sure to impress. 

Tips for Success

  • 1. Cleanliness: Ensure your workspace and tools are clean before starting.
  • 2. Patience: Take your time with each step, especially mixing and curing. If you demold too early you will wreck your project and your mold. 
  • 3. Creativity: Don't be afraid to experiment with different colors and finishes. 

Color Recipes for Faux Glass Jars

Creating the perfect faux glass jar involves a bit of color chemistry. Here are some tried-and-true recipes to help you achieve the look of vintage glass: 

Frosted Blue

To achieve a frosted blue look, mix 1 drop of Galaxy Black alcohol ink with 3 drops of Deep Sea Blue ink. The black ink will deepen the color, giving it a rich, vintage feel. 

Peachy Pink

For a delicate peachy pink, mix 1 drop of Galaxy Black alcohol ink with 5 drops of Flamingo Pink ink. This combination creates a soft, warm hue reminiscent of antique glassware. 

Smoky Black

For a sophisticated black, simply use 5 drops of Galaxy Black alcohol ink by Color Creator. This color is perfect for adding a touch of elegance and mystery to your faux glass jars. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Even with the best preparation, you might encounter some issues. Here's how to troubleshoot them: 

Bubbles in the Resin

Bubbles can be a common problem in resin projects. To minimize them: 

  • Stir the resin slowly to avoid introducing air.
  • Use isopropyl alcohol to dissipate bubbles on the surface. 
  • Pour the resin slowly and steadily.

Uneven Curing

Ensure your workspace is level and free from temperature fluctuations. Uneven curing can occur if the surface is tilted or if the temperature is inconsistent. 

Sticky or Soft Resin

If your resin is sticky or soft after the recommended curing time, it may need more time to cure. Ensure you have the correct mix ratio (2:1 Part A to Part B) and give it additional time if necessary. 

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Creating faux glass resin jars is a delightful project that blends creativity with craftsmanship. With Promise Epoxy, you have the tools and guidance to make beautiful, vintage-style jars that will add charm to any space. Remember to take your time, follow the steps carefully, and most importantly, have fun with the process. Happy crafting!

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