Creating a St. Paddy's Themed Epoxy Table


john sahlberg and friend from O'flynn Custom Creations fist pounding while kneeling in the grass behind their st. paddy's day themed epoxy table

Ah, St. Patrick’s Day! A time of greenery, celebration, and, of course, a touch of Irish luck. What better way to dive into the festivities than by crafting your very own St. Paddy’s themed epoxy table? Whether you’re a seasoned DIYer or a curious beginner, this project from O'Flynn Custom Creations promises a blend of artistry, challenge, and fun ☘️


What You'll Need


There are two major components in this project - the table top, and the custom legs so let's break it down!


The Tabletop Transformation

1. Crack Filling with Epoxy 


Start by filling those pesky cracks in your wood slab with epoxy. Think of it as prepping our canvas for the masterpiece to come. The depth of the holes will determine which epoxy you want to use. For anything 2" or deeper we recommend our Deep Pour Epoxy, but if they are on the smaller side go ahead and use Table Top Epoxy


2. CNC Flattening 


With precision, flatten the slab on the CNC. It’s like ironing your best shirt for St. Paddy’s Day – it has to be just right.


3. Design Cutting 


Time to cut the design into your table. Imagine carving your path through the rolling hills of Ireland, maybe taking a turn at the Cliffs of Moher. John from O'Flynn Customer Creations went with a really detailed design, but the best part of this project is the creativity, so go wild!


4. Bow Tie Accents 


Flip the top, and add wooden bow ties. This is an optional design add-on, but we think it really adds depth and flair to the St. Paddy's epoxy table. Plus any chance to use the CNC is a win. 


5. Pouring Colored Epoxy


Now, for the main event – pouring the colored epoxy. This step is by far our favorite, but it can get a little messy, so be sure to prep your space and plan your colors in advance. You only get one pour. Since these are surface coating pours you'll want to use our Table Top Epoxy.


6. Wooden Accents 


Once tacky, adding those beautifully crafted wooden accents will give your piece a touch of Irish charm. It’s like embedding a piece of Ireland into your table, a token of its spirit.


7. Sanding and Coating 


After fully curing, sand your tabletop completely smooth. Please note you should be wearing a respirator when sanding epoxy resin unless you have a dust free power sander. Once you're St. Paddy's themed epoxy table is sanded to perfection, add a crystal clear flood coat on top for optimal shine. If you're worried about yellowing, we recommend using our UV Art Resin



Crafting the Legs

Form Building


Construct the form for your table legs. It’s better to be organized and have a plan. If you're not into creating epoxy table legs you can always attach a store bought set.


Black Alumilite Pour


Pour the legs with Deep Pour Epoxy and tint them your favorite shade. John used Alumilite Black Dye to create this specific look. 


Sanding & Spraying


Once pulled from the form, sand them smooth and give them a little spray of 2k Poly. It's the armor you'll want to give them that sleek untouchable look. 


Leg Layout


Make a wooden template for leg installation - this will be your blueprint for placing your table legs. 




Cut the legs to size and install them using base plates. This is your final piece of the puzzle. 



Watch The Video 👇



Finishing Touches


Your St. Paddy’s themed epoxy table is not just a piece of furniture; it’s a celebration of creativity, a testament to your dedication, and a beacon of the joyous spirit of St. Patrick’s Day.

Gather your friends, pour some drinks, and let the festivities begin around your stunning creation. It’s more than a table; it’s a story, a memory, and a piece of art that will spark conversations and laughter for years to come.


If you want to learn more about the artist head to O'Flynn Custom Creations!


Sláinte! 🍻


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